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Goals Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 

Goals employed 522 team members in the UK at the snapshot date of 5th April 2021. 42% are female and 58% are male, with the majority of staff working in our 44 small sided football centres located throughout the UK.

Relevant employees at snapshot date: 522

Gender Balance:


Information and guidelines on the treatment of furloughed employees has been taken in to account in this report.
Our report on gender pay gap follows the methodology set out by the Government and has been analysed using the Chartered Institute of People Developments guidelines. The analysis compares the hourly rates of pay between our male and female colleagues regardless of their roles. 

There is an acknowledgement that there is a gap when measuring all employees which can be attributed to a larger proportion of male employees than female employees. This mirrors industry statistics with positions in football organisations largely being more attractive to males and not as a result of unequal pay.


The analysis below shows:

  • The mean hourly full pay gap is 13.3% in favour of males; and the median hourly full pay gap is zero.
  • The mean bonus pay gap is 63.2% in favour of males; and the median bonus pay gap is 25% also in favour of males.
  • 7% of all relevant males and 20.1% of all relevant females received a bonus payment in the 12 months preceding the snapshot date.


Pay – Hourly Rate

The difference between male and female employees:














Pay Gap




Pay Quartiles

Total distribution of male and female employees by hourly pay quartile:


Bonus pay difference between male and female:


Mean Bonus

Median Bonus

Number receiving a bonus

% Bonus Distribution











Pay Gap







Ian McDermott
Managing Director 

Brand Partners

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